3 - Collaborative Relationships with Service Providers Supporting Your Work

  • Establish what relationships are already working and repair or reach out to others.

    • Recognize efforts and talk about ways to improve.

    • Who is missing? (ask, people know best)

  • Set standards with key partners.

    • Agree on simple terms to complicated issues (make documents that can be shared).

      • Sign consent agreements for sharing information.

    • Establish regular check-in meetings if possible.

      • With clients

      • With other service providers

Example of checklists you can adapt here


For every aspect you will consider, there may be things that are already working.

Think of ways to build from aspects/efforts that are already in place rather than “reinventing the wheel.” Establish communication with organizations that may assist your work, in this way, your will help develop trusting relationships with partnering organizations, while contributing to the wellbeing of the population you work with.

In addition, consider the barriers

Consider what is preventing developing a trusting relations with other service providers that can support your work?

Open up conversations, with providers and clients alike, be curious in a constructive way on past or current obstacles when offering services. Begin to develop a timeline and accept limitations, yet be open to explore alternative approaches along the way.

Toolkit Purpose | Using this Toolkit | Three Strategies | Shared Understanding | Consider the Landscape | Are we on the same Page? | Collaborative Relations | Developing Strategies | Six TI Principles (understand) | Lived Experiences (listen) | Co-Creating (build) | Roadmap moving Forward | Implementing | Measuring & Sharing Success