4 Quadrants Self-Assessment Example

County Family Clinic was planning to administer the PEARLS ACE screening for all families during child well visits. They wanted to make sure that the PEARLS screening was conducted in a trauma-informed way and that those that screen for a high ACE score were connected to resources and supports. They conducted a Four Quadrants analysis to make sure they were considering the objective and subjective aspects of change.

They noted the following activities: 

Four Quadrant Example

When the team at County Family Clinic reviewed their quadrant chart they noticed they had no intentional activities focused on the clinic culture. They decided to brainstorm and identify ways to support trauma-informed and healing clinic culture, with a focus on supporting psychological safety so that staff felt comfortable in bringing up any obstacles or challenges in administering PEARLS, talking with patients about ACEs and buffers, and connecting patients with supports, as well as being able to talk with a mentor or supervisor about any emotional impacts in their work (such as burnout or vicarious trauma).