Critical Thinking

This section is intended to allow us to integrate the training content into the lived experiences of families. Each of these critical thinking questions addresses one or more of the people in the Carlson, Choi, or Johnson families, and examines an aspect of their lives.

Take time to think about each of these questions, and think about responses from multiple stakeholders’ points of view. It may be helpful to go back and review sections of the curriculum, re-read the experiences of each family member, and engage in dialogue with community partners and co-workers.

  • How would you respond to Peggy’s request for help for Bruce?

  • What are the benefits and risks to engaging and working with Bruce?

  • What services are available for Bruce? What is missing?

  • What are the signs that Brian is showing that might point to issues at home? What can the school do right now to help him?

  • If Anna won’t tell anyone that she is in pain and that she’s worried about her mom, how might they know she’s hurting? Who makes up her support system? What could her support system be doing better?

  • What would a coordinated response look like for the Carlson family, for the Choi family? Who would you have at the table? What are the risks? What are the opportunities?